Her eyes’ light rays fell unto the edges of my retina
And her gold heart honored mine
I was just a bystander, an innocent wizard passing by,
A swaying early healthy leaf on the avocado tree,
Reflecting the smile of the sun, clean and shining,
Like a mirror,
I was breathing a different one,
As if it were embedded in joy.
An image of a rose fell upon my brain
Just when I glanced at her red thin lips, 
I swear – she has gone too far with my heart,
I thought it was stolen by the gods,
But then she arrived and it was conveyed by her ox cart,
It is affection at first sight
Not blind but uniquely perceived
She appealed and lit my heart abstrusely
With the mixture of red and white candles 
She lit with the speed of a hyena intuitively
And I cried sadly as her heart was resistant to love
And I couldn’t…