WARNING: This piece contains descriptions of sexual abuse

Yes I was a Virgin

Rape changed me

Pains changed me

He pretended to be my father,

He acted like a protecter ,

He lured me ,then he RAPED ME

He forced himself on me

I screamed and cried my lungs out but

He was numb to hear me .

I was a Virgin

He tored my pink dress ,I cried louder

But he slapped me

He didn’t care

He didn’t natice the pain ,the agony

I was in..

He went hard on me

He changed me

He ruined my womb ,he ruined my childhood

And no one believed me .

I was a virgin ,I hate men

I hate their heartless hearts

He ruined me!!


SADAG Suicide Crisis Line: 0800 567ย 567

Rape Crisis: 021 447 9762

Childline: 116