I remember the day you left like it was yesterday

I wish I could’ve stopped you from leaving,

But my pride wouldn’t let me beg for you.

I wish I could’ve done something to stop you.

I wish I could’ve shown you my feelings that I don’t want you to leave me,

I pretended like I was okay; I don’t feel anything,

“But inside, I was dying; I couldn’t breathe”.

I was crying for you.

A day couldn’t pass without missing what we had,

The more you are away, the more I miss you.

Sometimes I hate you for the pain you’ve caused me.

But still, I can’t stay angry at you that long,

Instead, I still love you like you never left me.

My mind always says to me, I must stop loving you

But my heart says the opposite,

I will never forget your love and gentleness to me and your warmth,

You were always there for me