I met my younger self for coffee today
He arrived on time
I arrived 5 minutes late.
He ordered rooibos tea with cream
I ordered a strong black coffee.
He said he wasn’t hungry
I insisted on ordering breakfast for the both of us because I knew he was hungry, he just didn’t have the means.
He said that life would have been better if his dad was present & wouldn’t stop writing about him.
I told him that his absence was actually a blessing in disguise & I’ve stopped writing about him.
He said he wished to be a detective one-day.
I told him that I’m a qualified detective, English teacher and PC Engineerer & I’m currently working as a retailer. I reassured him that we’ll soon be fine.
He said he wasn’t comfortable in his body.
I told him that I’ve learned to love my body. I’ll soon be hitting the gym to make it more stronger, healthier & pretty enough to invite guests over.
He apologized and said he would save up for our coffee date next time so that he would be the one paying.
I told him not to worry about it.