I now know myself
I now found myself
Through the valley of darkness
I thread the path forward
I am not lost anymore
I found my purpose
Of which is to serve and love
I don’t have a broken lens no more
I see myself through God
As being loving
Being worthy
I’ve come too far to weep over my sorrows
To dwell on my failures
To look back at the past.
What will that bring me?
Absolutely nothing I can think of
Instead I now focus on myself
Just learning to love myself again
We all deserve second chances in life
Whether you give it to yourself or through other people
I’m not alone anymore
I seek help from the deepest of my being
And at the end of the day I’m just a pure human being
Sometimes I will slack a bit
Sometimes I will fall short
Sometimes I will not deliver my best
Sometimes I will struggle to get through
But through it all I deserve the best life for myself
I have to prove myself that:
I Am Worthy!