I am an unquenchable spirit, the center of all energies.
From the rising of the sun till the going down of the same.
I am the true light within human understanding, waking up the ancient melodies that energizes the power and glory.
I reconcile the bones with the flesh, observing the righteous of the righteous against the vanity of vanities.
Darkest clouds I disperse when I dispatch my inner given light.
Wisdom speaks for itself in the wilderness sent by the high heavens.
I spit the spirit of fire: waking up the real soldiers from all the corners of the earth.
Growling flame’s roar in existence, lightning speed goes before me as bird’s of the field gathers to awaken the nation’s.
I am reviving the fountains and letting the mountains to dance to the rhythm of my love.
Sorrow’s are drowned with mercy on the lakes of fire!
In the presence of the scorners, The foundations of the earth trembles.
Pardon my iniquity, the dark blue clouds gathers together freeing the winds of change.
The pregnant blue clouds drops off the rain touching the great dry mother-lands.
It is a will established before the election of nations.
Streams and valleys get filled with the full of life that cried out from the desert.
The victims of pain, betrayal and hurt shall take part and retaliate in the world of the oppressed wearing breastplates of righteousness.
Many are called but few are chosen.
Wickedness get out of the way of the righteous men.
The spirit arises and clash, the tomb is empty.
From my spirit overflows the will of my father who created the heavens and earth, and stretched them forth with the palm of his hand.
Repentance to salvation can abort the war of the sorrowed indignation.
Besides that the commandments will always dance for the righteous being’s all immortal.