As I laid me down on my bassinet

Exhausted and strung out,

With diaphoresis of apprehension dripping

I was consumed by thoughts of

my last journey.

With heavy feet, I dragged myself

to the watershed, to wash off the fear

on my face.

But to my astonishment, on the mirror

There was Death with a wide toothed grin.

Then to the road, I steered my automobile

Propelled it faster and further away

To run away from Death.

But when I turned around

Death was staring back at me.

Off to the church, I went.

With the belief that with prayer

He will go away,

But as soon as I entered

He was already there, standing at the pulpit.

At home, finally at peace with everything

I heard a knock on the door.

I opened to be met by the eyes of Death.

And I let him take my hand

And walked with him to the unknown.