Jealousy aroused from the depths

of hell like a time ticking bomb. It

came and gave birth to destruction

leaving no trail of prosperity.

Jealousy aroused and wiped away

humanity, leaving no gap of identity.

Many lost their lives without having

the supernatural tranquility.

The land of the living has drank too

much blood of the innocent souls

because of the little cent they strived

for to make a living.

The heaven’s sake of keeping quiet

for too long. Will the punishment of

year’s for our sin’s not end. Are we

not going to be forgiven.

Why allow the devil to make like the

scriptures are lying to the believer’s?

Will our foes triumph over us till when

as we were promised eternity?

Though thou slay me yet will I wait. For

I have seen your righteous right hand

back in the midst of the darkened day’s.

May your promises come to pass just

like the ancient days, so we can have

the courage to tell the evil to go back

to hell with intelligence.

Remember the good deeds we have done

in your presence, as you say we should

forget the former thing’s neither should

we consider them our creator.