Remember, child, the voice of God resounds,

A silent thunder, though it makes no sound.

His actions seen yet cloaked in mystery,

His kindness veiled in divine secrecy.

Invisible, His eyes behold our plight,

His ears hear all, though silent in the night.

Unwritten words inscribed upon the heart,

His will unknown, yet guiding every part.

A King without a throne or regal crown,

Yet every kingdom humbly bows down.

The world’s harsh cruelties might seem unkind,

Yet through them, God’s true kindness we find.

In hunger, we perceive His sustenance,

In drought, we feel His water’s abundance.

The darkness of the night reveals the day,

In pain, we find the pleasures of His way.

Success unveils the need for failure’s face,

Hatred teaches us the power of grace.

Punishment, a path to our correction,

Through sin, we find the birth of pure perfection.

So, child, remember: His absence seems,

To weave the very fabric of our dreams.

In every void, His presence is profound,

In silence, God’s eternal love is found.