My muse
My happiness
My room
My mirror in the wall
My favorite platform
Ever since I met you , lam always feel freely
I found the home, the home of Joyment and expression
Nobody ever disturbed before even data bundles ,
It’s data free .
The home local and famous authers .
Fundza is the best , fundza is the hero
The great superstitiousnes platform
Its allow authers to express / reveal themselves, their life story / opinions, educational , love Affair, dramatic , spiritual and motivational.
We express ourselves
It’s stories, Novel , play and poems drives with soul and emotion .
A rhythm with meaning of words .
I highly appreciate Fundza for giving us a platform to showcase our talent.
Who ever thought indlemnyama will find the freedom
Who ever thought ” L .Mkhwanazii will be recognized as an auther not a producer.
Darn , am mindly involve with Fundza.
Written By. L.Mkhwanazii