Erewhile l was preached to forgive and forget

All things harmful to my possible give or get

A rare opportunity for one, to one day blissfully beget

Meanwhile l was suffering from a disease of forgiving and forgetting

Most of the blessings embedded in giving and getting

Lessons fixed to this standard pacesetting

I entrenched my quest to the real meaning of forgiveness and forgetness

Only to stray in pseudo-fitness and dilapidated fortress

A dimension deeper and broader than my steepest prowess

So l struggled with the present tenses of forgave and forgot

The former and the latter respectively, a discomfit and discomfort

Until l completely avoided the company of that boastful cohort

Until ultimately I had finally forgiven and forgotten

Behaviors and habits smitten and molten

Some which were even beyond rotten

Presently, the part of forgetting is for my mind

As is the chemical formula for magnesia

Forgiving empowers my heart to remain kind

A very strong antidote for this rife amnesia

                   V.L Sijam (Dedicated)