Father, I come before you
With tears in my eyes
Brokenness in my heart
Shatteredness in my soul
Father, you’re my strength when I’m weak
My hope when I’m hopeless
You comfort me when I’m hurt
You wipe my tears when I cry
You make me smile when I’m sad
You’re with me through everything that I go through
Father, I need your touch in my life
I need your care
I need your protection
I need your love
I need your blessings
I need you to open my doors to success
I need you to show me the right path towards my dreams
I need you to make me independent once again
And I need you in my life
I will never worship anyone but you
Father, please hear my cry I just want to make my parents proud and take care of them
If you can’t answer my prayers then please answer my parents’ prayers AMEN