For my thoughts to be on paper I have to cut a tree

This needs to be done continuously The evolution of poetry

Like a tree that falls It stood so there could be written knowledge

I needed to grow mentally and a tree needed to be demolished

It’s all on paper

For generations poetry needs to be pass on

Rather now then later

The evolution of poetry

Sparked a revolution that touches more lives then igniting forestry

Poetry is the lifeblood ,my bloodline

My blood that can flows into raps it’s my punchlines

My thoughts needs a home

Before I dropped this poem I needed to slip through this phone

I wonder if the middleman feels alone

Well he can find comfort in my poem

Knowing my thoughts needed a home

I remember someone saying the holy scripture derived from a stone

I believe we are derived from being alone

We needed to grow from a thought and boom what do you know ..

Don’t get caught up in rebellious ways

Unless you to need get out and into a better way

Bradley Moleta( The Poet)