Our Father, who art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy name;

Thy kingdom come;

Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

I come before You, my God.

To ask You:

Why have You forsaken me?

Why have You kept me on earth to suffer?

Why have You let my enemies laugh at me?

Why let them win?

My tears You have let to drop on the floor

And my pleas You have ignored.

Why have You chosen to leave me out in the cold?

Let the rain beat down on me and drown me?

The sun’s rays You prevented to shine on me.

Why did you turn Your heart to stone?

Time and time again, You let me drop and hit the ground.

Why let life do this to me?

To wipe out my smile and obliterate my happiness?

Why have You let me walk only on paths full of thorns and ruts?

Let the load I am carrying break me?

Doesn’t Your heart break when you see me like this?

Will You ever see me?

How long will it be this way?

Tell me?

Why have you forsaken me?

Eli, Eli lama sabachthani?