Evah Ngobeni & Letlhogonolo Kotsedi
from the dusty pavements of my town.
nothing lends Me hope like You guys
seemingly to far to be a the highest of lengths
You’ve been my James Bond (My Action Star, My star that shines)
even in days I don’t want to do me but You two rescue Me.
Sometimes I even think y’all live in the same place
Same vibes of comments
Same time comments
At times You both hit me by surprise
I smile and giggle alone with sniffles I hold and tears wanting to run down my face.
I write as I’ve always had but what hits me at heart is to find that You guys actually understand and understood what I meant.
You see I had wondered
alot about how I write,
one time some one said that I write alot to a point they get confused as to how to react.
that hit home, for to me that meant they were ashamed of Me.
or they did take the time.
E and L Inspires
Evah and Letlhogonolo Inspires
A young seeking wisdom knocking on doors to every knowledge worth having.
Evah and Letlhogonolo,
Should I be heard of,
Should I be known and Grown
Your names will be in books and books that come fourth from Me.
Evah’s great aim
Letlhogonolo the unparalleled
The Zeal of Evah and Letlhogonolo…
Daring design of Evah
found times of Letlhogonolo
Should I never
then Find this And know
YOU(Evah and Letlhogonolo)
are the back bone of a man who never knew, that he can breathe life into words.
until YOU(E & L) came to existence.
I appreciate YOU (E&L)
You see the had been darkness
And then came E & L and inspired
how my heart has come to Love YOU ( E & L).
I Adore YOU (E&L)
Evah Ngobeni & Letlhogonolo Kotsedi