Dream with me
A message by a dreamer, for the dreamers
Dream with me I say
Hold my hand tight and don’t loose your grip
let us dream about a perfect South Africa
A South Africa of absolute peace
Where the norm of homicide and Gender Based Violence is a thing of past
A place where the norm of dropping out of school, to pursue what we call in the streets”Crime Engineering”
Under the influence of “Billionaires never went to school, they hustled to secure the bag”.
Let’s take a moment to saver this moment
Don’t get me wrong, South Africa is a beautiful country, but
Will be wrong if dream about a police system that actually favours the victims
A police system that would do the job that they’re getting paid for
Not a job that would buy them “Coldrink” to satisfy their greed’s and desire’s
Dream with me
Help me dream about warm homes
families that are united by love and the spirit of Ubuntu that teaches us about the consequences of hatred and jealously in the upbringings of our lives.
Dream with me
Explore the dimensions of humankind
Not with your eyes but your third eye
For our eyes are there to look and not to see
Explore the nature of humankind
The law’s of attraction
Explore the soothing sensation of meditation
Nature has knowledge for ages
Reality paints the truth with beautiful lies
Our dreams are the solid truth
Never be afraid to dream
We live in societies where some people’s souls are as dry as an empty plannet
Dreaming is our highest form of hope.
This reality is a cold place
Someone people are waiting for death, dead
You won’t see or smell them
“It’s Cold”.