I am evasive and intangible.

I destroy people’s lives.

Ruin people’s good names.

I am like fire, spreading, spreading and engulfing.

When I am retold and circulated, I become more


I am believed whether true or not.

I am a problem everywhere in society.

Where I come from, you will never tell.

I am neither here or there.

I break relationships, ruin marriages and demolish


I break hearts, break confidences and homes.

I cripple, weaken and dispower.

I anger, shame and dishearten people.

People have cried because of me,

others fought over me,

others detest each other

and others hanged themselves because of me.

I don’t discriminate whether rich or poor.

I have no respect for anyone.

Fairness is what I lack.

Once I come for your reputation, it will never be the


The stains I leave, will never be completely washed


The wounds I inflict may take forever to heal or not

at all.

You can’t protect yourself from me.

Now I ask, do you know who I am?

Wait, I will tell you.

My name is rumours.

Have you experienced me?