Do I look like my father?

Do I smile like him?

Am I strong like him?

Did I take my smarts from him?

Does he also raise one brow like me when he is


Does he like chicken curry as much as I do?

Is he a star in football like me?

Does he laugh funny as well?

And scatterbrained also?

Does he have a hard expressing his feelings like I


Most importantly is he proud of me?

I wouldn’t know.

I never knew him.

Never got the chance to meet him.

God took him away from us too soon,

Before he could meet me.

He never got the chance to hold me

and I never got the chance to experience his


But mom says I do look like him.

I am a carbon copy of him.

Even my mannerisms and intelligence resemble his.

Like he was reincarnated into me.

I believe her,

Because when I look at his photo, I do look like him;

My father.