
2 steps between us

The air of peace

The wind of silence

The oxygen of growth

2 worlds between us

The rocks of answers

The stones of questions

The grounds of bonds

I may not have answers

But I see all the questions

That breaks these bonds 

1 life to live within us

It is called growth

The silence 

And yes it’s peaceful

1 life to live within us


Poem by Buyisiwe Gonya

14 February 2023















I am a Civil Engineer gifted with writing when I am not busy. Engineers travel, some are able to travel with their loved ones but some don’t.

This Poem is Motivated by an #Engineer

(Column 2 &3)

I may not have all the rocks (may not have answers 🏠🧱)

But I see all the stones (but I know how ⚙️🔧🧰)

That 😟Breaks/Connects🙂 the road (abolishment/construct)

There’s only 1 Earth 

(meaning: I am still alive/Xhosa meaning:

 Ndikhona mntwam emhlabeni, andiyidawo)

Column (1 &4)

Ndiyaphefumla!!! Ndikhona!!! ndisaphila!!! Kuyaphefumlwa intwezokwenziwa emhlabeni.