You were a sight to behold.

Chocolate dark skin,

Deep hazel eyes,

And a dazzling smile!

Oh God! What a fine specimen you were.

An Adonis!

Until you showed your true colours.

Your beauty did not match your heart.

That beauty concealed an evil character.

Those strong hands you should’ve used to protect

me, you were strangling and punching me every

other day.

Those beautiful lips, you would use to cuss, insult,

tear and break me down emotionally.

My lamentations to my family looked like I was

crying foul

Because your ‘innocent’ hazel eyes were blameless.

You would even fake a cry

But I knew behind those eyes, was an animal, that

would one day kill me.

What are two faced man you are!

You wore an angel mask with the face of a


A demon.

And that fake mask made you angelic and beyond reproach.