Didn’t you know that anything

You are battling at your adulthood

Stem from your childhood and how 

You were raised

That fear, anxiety and anger 

You have right now 

It comes from people whom 

Tortured you with pain

No one was born being a


Didn’t you know that everything 

You are carrying now that weighted you down

Doubt, low self-esteem 

stem from childhood

Where you were called a fool and betrayed

By people who you were fond off,

Where your peers bullied you because 

Of your look’s and underestimated you,

You were longing for validation, acceptance, and to be heard

But no body listened to you

When you tried to reveal your emotions,

No one even cared how you feel

From their I’ll treatment

No one was born being a monster

It was pain and bad thing’s that

Happened to them that turned them into 


Didn’t you know that when you haven’t 


The cycle of pain won’t break down

You’ll keep attracting broken people who are toxic only to add 

Salt to your open wound to bleed more,

Didn’t you know that most bad thing’s 

Happen to people who have lot of empathy

And are sensitive,

People who have serenity and don’t want

To see other people hurt,

While they are bleeding

With no one to save them ,

Didn’t you know that frustration you

Are facing right now in your adulthood 

Stem from childhood where you were

Pressured, compared with other people

Without being understood that people are

Not the same and everyone have

Their own journey.