I am in love with a man that violated you

I know of a monster that raises his hands to pray for me

Raises his voice to praise my beauty

Compare it to Sunrays

Sway slightly on his feet

To remind me of the smooth rhyme of our love

His words are a broken record

Serve as a reminder of the day

You birthed pain

Made hate a friend with benefits

Accompanied by

#men are trash

He stashed the truth from me

Marked me absent

But I am not innocent

I disregarded the marks

Marked the worst day of your life

I know of a fragrance that sends butterflies to my stomach

As I stomach his tender love

I become immune to the truth

Imprisoned to love

Built walls to shut the noise

#it will end in tears of joy

We shared pain from when

You were in my womb

The umbilical cord did not only pass food

But linked our destiny