Reminiscing days

I have yet to set foot in

This is the song

The very song in the background

Of that happening.

My feet are embedded in soil.

Trampling on grass.

Ready to see all life in the forest

The hostile

As well as the shy

Maybe even those 

who aren’t afraid of eyes.

Or am I stirring into the pot

My wine glass set on the island

My feet bare

My hips on a sway 

My voice singing away 

Uju, would you keep your hands 

Outta my way 

If you wanna learn new moves

Just say.

Keep your lingering gaze on me 

While I place the events 

Of this melody

To my memory 

Driven by the music lorry 

Oh yes my ears are plugged 

My lips are mimicking 

The glory of this tune 

I’m taping my hands

On this piano  

sipping on some latte. 

The rays of shine peak above 

The clink of glass 

The whining of door

Are muffled to fit 

the tweets of dove. 

My word! 

The document is filled

With a soup of letters 

None of them edible 

None of them cohesive 

the supposed piano 

Lays there silent 

Resembling a new item 

A laptop to be exact 

staring back at me. 

My eyes take in the room 

“Ten minutes left!” 

Mrs Prudent’s shrill 

rushes me to click submit

the report, in its infancy.