I do not have enough words to describe this
I don’t even know how many times I’ve went through this
What the heck is this?
I mean how far do I have to go with putting you first before me?
When will I get it?
That if I meant something to you… I shouldn’t have to battle it?
If you wanted this as much as I do… it shouldn’t be so hard to have this…
I admit, I’ve never loved anyone like this
But trying to get to you
feels like A burden
You make me so confused.
why? If we’re certain?
I lost myself… finding you
But you loved seeing me weak didn’t you?
How I would suck up to texting you?
And you’d respond on your own time, then I’d have to wait for you?
I am sorry but you broke me
All of this has drained me
Thing is you thought I’d never leave…
And now I despise you with nothing but hate.
I been Back n forth
Up n down
Stupid Reasons just to stick around.
I loved you since I was 15
Now you got me cursin cupid
Yes those delicate ages, my sweet teens
I had already decided on you, was I lucid?
I LOVE you…
But I’m gonna try loving me harder this time
And I loved you
So please don’t come back to make up for the lost time.
It’s All Over