All this was a long time ago, I remember

And I would go back again, however it’s in the past.

A hard time we heard of it, whispers of it days are near.

Towns are hostile 

Cities are unfriendly 

Villages are dirty

When shall we return to our palace, our kingdom?

No temptation to betray, just a thought of saving your foe.

The burden of this old hope, 

Which murmurs and whispers till to date,

A hard time we have…

At the end we preferred to travel at night, with candles as lamps in darkness, redeeming the night.

 Carried into a far distant truth, 

Wherein life has become hard and a bitter agony for us.

Dreams can’t die,

Hope can’t wait,

A cold coming we heard of it, clothes frozen hard, they cut the vulnerable flesh.

Death is the only reality.