You belief you are right?
Who is wrong anyway?
Are you bold enough to standup and say yes I did it;
You were wrong but your mind said you right;
Pause, look back; yes introspect;
Even if your mind tells you that it is well;
By the way, apologies.

Apology does not emphasis how weak you are;
Apology is not being stupid;
Apology is not of facts;
Apology is not only for poor people;
Apology is not only for illiterate;
Apology is not utterance of fear;
Apology is not lack of energy;
Apology is not lack of words;
Apology is not lack of wisdom.

What do you call peace in your heart? Apology!!!
What makes your feet lite? Apology!!!
What restores your mind? Apology!!!
What makes a person full matured human being?
The genuine apology from deep within;
Apologies even if you are not at fault;
Even if you don’t owe anyone apology;
Apologies for peace sake!
For justice to prevail, apologies!

Truth set anyone free, if you apologies;
He is younger than you, yes; that I understand;
He is poor to deserve your apology, you believe;
He is a burger, his poverty grounded him;
But he is still a human being;
Respect him, please I plead with you;
By the way, apologies!!!