The dull junctures of poverty was cut short ,

like a fetus life terminated during early pregnancy.

He had dream, yet enemies were against it,

They confirmed with their mouth and said, “a poor little nonety like you will never reach such a big dreams”

Yeah, parents were not fortunate,

They were just human beings with nothings,

Life was tough,

We felt the temperature of an overheated soil from the sun when we walked barefooted,

Yet the poverty tittle we were crown didn’t dim his light of fullfillong his dreams,

He was a thorn amongst the roses,

He learned in the midst of complications,

And he ended up fullfilling his dreams of becoming a connoisseur

And that when the storm of hate started..

when he got a job in medic,

Everyone in the family was thrilled,

Because we knew for once we were going to taste a bread ,

The excitement on family’s faces sparkle.

The smiles bloom fabulously like watered flowers.

Yet, enemies were green-eyed.

For they knew a massive modification was about to began,

Their spells and badluck failed to dim his light,

For he was born blessed and choosen to be a breadwinner..

He was not the first born,

Yet he was not the second,

They say, first borns are breadwinners,

But in our case, a fourth born was choosen to surve us..

I still recalls after the call,

We were gathered in a randamevel warming our bodies from the fire,

Our eyes were teary and red from the smoke out of the fire flames,

Our bodies odorous ,

Just after the call,

He anounced his successful placement,

We all jumped with emotions..

He confirmed with his words when he said “yinyile ndlala”.

And we knew exactly that he rescued us from a sinking boat of poverty,

For quite a long time,

We were drowning in a poverty pond,

And he was born with intention,

To took us out of the danger of hunger,suffering,mockery and keep us comfortable.

A thorn amongst the roses,

He then started with his shots,

He begins taking away our breaths with his surprises

Our hearts softened when the three randevels were demolished and replaced with a beautiful big mansion house,

Tears of joy caught everyone off-guard,

For we never thought we will ever take off the garment of poverty.

Because we had now a breedwinner.

We learned to go on family trips,

Our taste buds realises new taste of delicious food,

We learned to wear clothes without reserving some for important occations,

We received calls and play social media like other fortunate kids..

Our knees rejuvenated for we now cooked on a stove instead of kneeling down infring of the fire and cook food.

Mr Breadwinner,

You changed how we were viewed before,

You restored a dignity of our parents, because now they are respected instead of being treated like slaves,

We are recognized, because you are respectful ,

We are unemployed but no one can tell for you take good care of us financially.

Mr beedwinner we salute you!