For you, I cried for years
For you, I called out till I couldn’t feel my voice,
For you, my bed turned into an ocean of tears
Where were you,
When the in-laws called me a barren
When they said I should go back to poverty, where I was born,
I called, I cried, I crawled on my knees
But at birth, you didn’t show up.
To God, I took my tears,
for years he was silent
To church, I carried my Bible
For he was a friend who never forsaken me
Through the storms and thunder, he wiped my tears.
When all have forsaken me in dark days,
When my in-laws pointed me back home,
When the one who was the puzzle that was supposed complete me vanished in thin air,
When the universe had turned her back on me,
When I could no longer feel my voice,
Oh my tears fell into the temple of the almighty,
Astonishingly birth you arrived.