It was cable theft;

a damaged sub-station;

a dispute over overtime.

Perhaps it was all of the above.


During the day I could do

nothing but read, write, eat,

and contemplate the secret

whispers of silence.


No morning radio.

No hot bath.

No social media.

No humming kitchen appliances.


Just the smell of paraffin.


It was cable theft;

a damaged sub-station;

a dispute over overtime.

Perhaps it was all of the above.


Every night crickets converse;

the sound of soft rain persists.

Suddenly, time is in abundance;

I’m now acutely aware of my breathing.


Suddenly, I’m disconnected from

irritating WhatsApp groups;

disconnected from depressing news headlines;

disconnected from unsolicited telesales.


Disconnected, so that I might reconnect.