I deserve all the best.

But the only thing I get is stress.

I keep trying this and that,

But trust me it’s less.

Is it because my life is a mess?

Or maybe I need to try harder!

Harder is the only word I know,

Or rather let me say, I perfectly spell.

Because it’s been lingering in my ears for decades now.

Everyone says that,

But no one understands it, like I do.

But it doesn’t matter, does it?

What lies head?

When tears drown you in bed.

I guess no one cares, because if they did…

Maybe life would be different for me.

Maybe I would be thee best.

But they don’t, hence I will remain at this state.

But maybe with your love

All can change.

With your support, I can manage.

And with your care, I will be the best.

So smile, wave. Do your best!