I still recall growing up,

The vey exact time when I was a child,

Encircled by people with pure love..

Everyone adored me,

I was that little angel,

Mama’s baby..

And my mother used to sing me to sleep

I had pursuits ,

I was at peace…

When I knew nothing

I didn’t have to worry,

And sorry meant sorry.

My smile was genuine,

Love was not just a tales, it was pure..

As time expired,

I aged in every passing moment…

I developed,

I matured..

As i unfold, thisngs transformed…

Troubles present themselvesin my psyche,

The tables turned..

I was now a grown up,

Whose full of thoughts, Pressure, sadness, hatred and unseen demons.

They call me an adult,

They tell me aim high…

Fly , sky is not the limit…

And am here, Wondering when did I become a pilot.

Am still nervous , I still cry ,

But this time I do it from where I hide…

Silence lies besides my pride,

I wish I didn’t wish to be an adult

I still feel like I miss the days,

The days I used to sit and say when I grow up

I want to be this and that…

The days when everything i needed was provided…

The times where i did not have to worry.

Now it’s clear I don’t want me ,

I hate every step i have each and every passing year…

Adulting is a trick

And the magic of it is not seen

Untill you make that wish.