A million times I cried and asked God why I mean I was only 14 and God decided to take my dad away but then I remembered the many testimonies my dad told to people and saved souls even when his gone to be with Jesus his life still makes an impact when we share his life story .
My father was a Tamil when he met my mother he converted to Christianity and one day my father worked at a bar and was separating a fight and this one man hit him with the hammer on his head and my father was rushed to hospital my mother and my family as well as the church kept him in prayer and he got through it. He had an alcohol problem and never went to church even thought my family and I would go. One day he got very sick and found out he had a kidney failure and diabetes. My mum broke down and called the pastor home to pray for him and afterwards my father was so amazed with the beauty of the word of God that he began coming to church and gave up. I don’t know whether he came to mark himself present or just to show God he appreciated the difference he made in his life. After couple months he started back sliding church until he eventually got even sicker and turned to God and God still healed him. God never cared how many times he turner his back to God he always was there for my father till his last breath. Now knowing how many times God did a miracle for him people would ask me why couldn’t God save him the last time? Well my father went through alot with his health and I personally know that God wanted him after he fulfilled his mission on earth. You might be thinking what mission? Well no matter now drunk or sober my father was he never ceased to share the word of God and even when he stopped drinking he would share his testimonies and invite people into the kingdom of God. Even though I personally miss him I know his in a better place.
I hope you guys like this piece and my advice is never turn from God. Always know that whether you going through depression, anxiety, health issues, finance problems, family issues or anything literally anything God will be there for you. He was always there and will always be there for you. Never stop reading the word of God and worshiping God cause he deserves all the glory, remember everything happens for a reason.
Thank you