Little feet, bare and worn,

Carry a heart, so forlorn.

No shoes to call his own,

A constant shame, a burden to atone.

Peers tease and mock, with cruel delight,

As he walks, with feet, exposed to the light.

Cracks and pebbles, a painful plight,

A daily struggle, without a fight.

He dreams of shoes, to cover his feet,

To walk with pride, and a heart that can beat.

But donors, nowhere to be found,

Leave him to suffer, on the ground.

His eyes, well up, with tears unshed,

As he wishes, for a pair, to tread.

But alas, they’re scarce, and hard to find,

Leaving him, with a heart, so left behind.

Oh, the pain, of a child, so young,

With feet, that bear, the weight of his song.

A plea, to those, who can hear,

To help a child, who’s struggling, year by year.

For a pair, of shoes, is not just a need,

But a symbol, of dignity, indeed.

So let’s lend, a hand, and a heart,

To a child, who’s crying, from the very start.