Sometimes the greatest fruit,

It can lose its colour and let go

Of its sweetest leaves.

Sometimes the greatest master,

Can lose his wisdom and

End up being mastered.

Sometimes even the biggest

Of animals end up being

preyed and hunted.

And even the most recognised being,

Can experience A Fall From Grace.

Do you sometimes wake up, just

To realise that,

She was never your strength,

But your weakness.

She was never your reason to live,

But your excuse to die.

Do you ever wonder why the best fruit,

It is always forbidden,

Or why the worst fruit is always given.

Sometimes you have to tell yourself,

“The universe just wants to be noticed.”

“With the deepest sorrows comes the greatest joy.”

“Darkest nights are followed by brighter days.”

“Saddest days are followed by happier moments.”

“Nothing is ever permanent.”

“It will be okay”.

People support you as beneficiaries.

When it doesn’t benefit them, they ditch you.

It is never too late to fix your mistakes.

It is never a mistake to realise you’re late.

It is never a mistake to make a mistake.

But it is a mistake to repeat a mistake.