The month of love has finally reach,

The day 14Feb we celebrate love to our ones.

In this world we believed what Bible Said about Adam and Evah ever since this lovebirds met ,

We had made the day of reminder, No wonder we haven’t seen them

What a day, a day of happiness , expression love ,joyment and presents as well as gifts sharing to our love one’s.

14February the month of love ,the month of appreciation,

No either the notification on our minds.

24hours then after its done ,If l skip this day without gift, I’ll be notice or I will be the one who don’t care or either don’t respect and don’t know the meaning of love.

Ohh no what special day to my inomorata but on my side and my inner self don’t believe this day .

The dressings/ Uniform of the day is red and white.

They say ‘ red present love and white present peace,

You guys don’t have peace, Last month on Feb she embarrassed me under your watch but you all kept quiet,

Now am expected to buy her sweets and Roses like everything is perfect and beautiful,

To let you know the symbol L to us means lemon which sour and bitter nothing will change to us ,

Since day one we suppose to buy ourselves meat not knowing it beef inside will roaming to our tummy .

I hate when she remind me of this day .

Sorry to disturb while you sharing love on our side we are reversing the past with pain and sorrow that happened on this day

Happy Thando

Happy Love, Happy Valentine day

Enjoy the rest of your day with your love one’s

Eish Kundla kuyadliwa thina siyancishwa.!!🥱

written by L. Mkhwanazii