{10/06/2024, it’s the day of movie shoot and everyone is getting ready. Mr Clareston walks in and sits in his director chair. He sees Lerato and calls her with hand gestures.}

Lerato:(She goes to him.)Hi Mr Clareston.

Clareston: I’m happy to see you made it. So you never gonna stop calling me Mister?

Lerato: I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I like to keep things professional.(She speaks on a cheeky voice.)

Clareston:(Quietly looks at her and smirks.)Good. (Shouts) Everyone places please.

{They are busy shooting the movie and Clareston stops the movie and looks a little irritated and starts shouting.}

Clareston:(Looking at Lerato.) Come on Lerato, you not giving it to me! Pull out that actress that I saw during the auditions!(Shouting.) You are a star!(Walks to her and whispers in her ear.) You are my star. So give me a star performance. (Goes back to shouting.) Come on people, positions and let’s do a retake!

{They do a retake and Clareston is pleased with everyone’s performance.}

Clareston:(Gets up and slaps) Good. Good, that’s what I want! Let’s take a break everyone and get back to it after.(Everyone leaves the set, as Lerato is about to leave Clareston holds her hand.) Don’t you wanna have lunch with me in my office Ms Molefe?(She looks at him and walks away. He laughs softly and goes to his office.)

{Lerato is sitting outside having lunch on her own. A guy approaches her.}

Guy: Hi!?(Waves his hand in front of her face.)

Lerato: Mmm?…(Raises her eye brow in irritation.)

Guy: (In his coloured accent.)I can leave if you want me too. I just saw you sitting alone, far away from the other crew members and thought I should keep you company.(He is about to walk away.)

Lerato:(Pauses then speaks.) No you can stay. I’m just having a shitty day,that’s all.

Guy: Sorry to hear that. Clareston can be a bit too much but he’s trying to bring the best out of all of us. (There is silence.) My name is Derrick Henry by the way. (Stretches his hand for a handshake.)

Lerato:(She shakes his hand.) Hi, I’m Lerato Molefe.

Derrick: Such a beautiful name for a beautiful person. Are you from Joburg?

Lerato: Thank you. No, I’m from KZN.

Derrick: Cool. I’m from Cape town.

Lerato: Wow that’s amazing. I want to visit Cape town one day, I hear it’s an amazing experience and place.

Derrick: You should definitely visit. I’ll show you around baby girl.

Lerato: Don’t call me that.

Derrick:(Laughs) Okay Mrs ma’am. After this can I take you out for coffee?

Lerato: Yeah sure, why not.

Derrick: It’s a date then.

Lerato: Wait, what?

Derrick: Nothing I’m just joking.(Laughs nervously.)

{ They eat lunch together then after the shoot,they go get coffee together. They regularly spend time together and there is chemistry between the two.}