{Later that night, Lerato is asleep but is abruptly woken up by something on top of her. There is a hand on her mouth and she can’t speak or scream. Her eyes pop out when she realises who is on top of her. She tries to struggle but he firmly holds her.}

Clareston: Shhh Shhh(Puts a finger on his mouth to quiet her down.) Don’t struggle. I’ll be quick so this won’t hurt.(Whispering in her ear.)

{She is breathing heavily and her heart beating irrationally. Clareston pulls down her pyjamas trousers and unties the buttons of her shirt. He violates her and she lays there quietly with tears going down to her ears. She’s frozen in disbelief of what is happening to her. After 20 minutes of torture, he gets off her and sits at the edge of her bed.}

Clareston:(Clears his throat.) Mmmh, Lerato I don’t have to tell you to keep your mouth shut right? You a smart girl. You are the star of my movie and as a star you have to do things to make me the director happy. I hope this stays between us because I like you as an actor and I wouldn’t want to destroy a promising actor because of stupidity okay?(There is silence, he gets up, takes a towel and throws it to her.) Wipe yourself.(Silence again.) Goodnight.

{When he walks out of the room, she quickly rushes to the door and locks it. Takes off her pyjamas and goes to the shower. She turns it on and sits there and just cries hysterically. After she is done,she send a text message to Suzie.}