{Lerato is sitting in disbelief of what she is reading, she is shaking and starts crying. Suzie enters her room and sees her crying.}
Suzie: Chommie what is wrong?(Lerato gives her the phone and she reads it.) Oh my God!!! Oh my God!! I can’t believe it chommie!! You go the role!(They both start crying while sitting on the floor hugging each other.)
{Lerato is standing outside the hotel waiting for the Uber.}
Lerato: I am gonna miss you chommie.(With a sad tone.)
Suzie: Don’t worry about me,I’ll be waiting for you back at home. I’m so excited for you and I’m really proud of you chommie.
Lerato: Thank you chommie.( They hug each other and cry.)
{The Uber arrives and Lerato gets in and leaves. It was emotional for her because she’s never been far away from Suzie until today.}
{ She is done with team meeting, and requests the Uber to take her to Mr Clareston’s hotel. She arrives and waits at the dining area. Mr Clareston comes out of an elevator and goes straight to her.}
Clareston:(In his French accent.)Our star!Ms Lerato.
Lerato: (She gets up to shake his hand.) Hi Mister…
Clareston: No, no, no Mister call me Clareston.( Grabs her hand and kisses it.) The receptionist will give you the keys to your room. It’s next to mine. You will be spending the next 3 days with me as you are the star of this movie. Tomorrow we start so 8 am sharp be waiting here for me so we can go to my office.
Lerato: Yes sir.
Clareston: No again, it’s Clareston.(Walks out of the hotel while on a phone call.)
{Lerato gets her key and goes to her room.}
{Lerato and Mr Clareston spend the next two days working together and they seem to be getting along. It’s early at night on the last day and Lerato is on the phone with Suzie.}
Lerato: He’s not so bad you know.
Suzie: Aah! You! Weren’t you the one calling him names not so long ago.
Lerato: Come on, that was before I knew the real him. He’s normal like everyone else and also a genius so now I get why people are so crazy about him.
Suzie: Are you crushing on my crush Lerato?
Lerato: No chommie, he’s like a big brother. I’m just trying to say he’s a good person.
Suzie: I’m joking friend, it’s okay if you do. We all do. (They both giggle.) Goodnight chommie I have a shift early tomorrow with Tom.
Lerato: Goodnight chommie kisses.