{ Suzie is outside Lerato’s apartment and she is hooting her car. Lerato comes out rushing with her luggage as they are getting ready to go to Johannesburg.}
Lerato: OMG Suzie, you know I have white neighbours. Are you trying to get me arrested or something?
Suzie:(Laughing and helping Lerato put her luggage in the car.) Come on, you so dramatic. Loosen up chommie, we going to Sandton!! We going to see rich and handsome men!
Lerato: B I T C H! We going there for work not men so pause. Get your priorities straight.
Suzie: We can do both. Well you the one going for auditions I’m just there to be a supportive friend.
{ They arrive to Joburg and go to their hotel. The following day Suzie drops off Lerato at the auditions.}
Judge 1: Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the CE auditions. We will call you one by one with your scripts. Give us your best performance. Good luck and see you there. (She walks back inside the auditioning room.)
{A couple of girls are whispering amongst themselves and Lerato goes to them.}
Lerato: Sorry to interrupt you guys but what’s the frenzy about?
Girl 1: Don’t you know?
Lerato: Know what?
Girl 2: Mr Clareston is here for the auditions!(The girls scream a little and jump in excitement.)
Girl 1: I mean the Clareston, flew from Paris just to see us. It’s crazy, even if I don’t get a role that alone is amazing to be apart of.
Lerato: Oh.
Girl 3: What do you mean “Oh”, this is amazing. Girl bye.( They walk away and Lerato continues learning her script.)
{After everyone is done, Lerato is the few of the last ones to perform.}
Judge 2: I think you have something in you.
Judge 1: I agree, she has great potential. Mr Clareston do you have anything to say?( He looks at Lerato, nods and continues writing on his notebook.) Well we will contact you via email if your audition is successful. Thank you so much, you may go.
{Lerato walks out and meets Suzie waiting for her, she gets in the car and they drive off.}
Suzie: So how was the audition?
Lerato:(With a confused look.) I seriously don’t know. The two other judges liked it but “Mr Clareston” just looked at me and nodded then continued writing. He’s such a egotistic dickhead in my opinion.
Suzie: Wow chommie, was he that bad? I’m sure you exaggerating, all famous people behave like that. So tell me is he as handsome as he looks in the magazines?
Lerato: You just couldn’t wait to ask me that, didn’t you?
Suzie: I just wanna know, you know I’m crazy about him.(Biting her lip.)
Lerato: You know he’s in his mid 40s right? And you are 25!
Suzie:(With a straight face.) Love has no age.
Lerato:(Laughing hysterically) Girl you crazy!
{They both laugh. They go back to their hotel rooms.}