(MaZulu is sitting in the dining, she suddenly hears the knocking.)
PRINCINCIPAL :(Knocking on the door.)
MAZULU :Ngena!
PRINCINCIPAL :Good morning!
MAZULU :Yes! What’s wrong?
SIPHO :Good morning mama!
PRINCINCIPAL :We came to discuss the problem that happened.
MAZULU :What happened? (Worried)
PRINCINCIPAL :Londi got into a fight.
SIPHO :She broke someone’s leg. She attacked me.
MAZULU :Londi cannot do that.
PRINCINCIPAL :Unfortunately she did.
MAZULU :Yoh! This child is a mess.
MAZULU :She is pregnant!
PRINCINCIPAL :Where is she?
MAZULU :(Crying) I kicked her out of my house. I regret myself. She has been crying!
PRINCINCIPAL :Did you inform the police?
MAZULU :No I wanted to..
SIPHO :So did she tell you anything.
MAZULU :She told me that it was not her fault to fall pregnant. What if she is going to kill herself?
PRINCINCIPAL :Don’t worry about that!
MAZULU :I want my child more than anything.
PRINCINCIPAL :Be strong mama!
MAZULU :You know that I can sue this school. My child got impregnated by the teacher but I don’t remember the surname.
PRINCINCIPAL : I don’t know that but please don’t sue us.
SIPHO :Your child created a mess and now she blames the teachers. She is dating one of the boys.
MAZULU :My child was a virgin.
SIPHO :You parents are always defending your children.
PRINCINCIPAL :Shut up! Mr Thuso!
SIPHO :This woman is….
MAZULU :Yeyi! You are disrespectful my boy.
SIPHO :This is madness. I think I should open the case against your daughter.
MAZULU :(She stands up) Wena I am gonna show you who I am.
PRINCINCIPAL :Please stop! You are grown now!
MAZULU :You think I am soft like anyone.
SIPHO :It is obvious that you teach your own child to be a bully.
MAZULU :God! (She hurries up to fetch her sjambok. She comes back again, waving it.)
Phumani! Get out of my house!
PRINCINCIPAL :We will leave you in peace.
MAZULU :Hawu! (She hits Sipho on the back.)
SIPHO :(Running away)
MAZULU :Hamba khwebula ndini!
(Sofia is busy packing her clothes and crying.)
SOFIA :Sipho!
SIPHO :What are you doing?
SOFIA :I am packing my clothes! I am tired of you.
SIPHO :I’m sorry my love!
SOFIA :Sipho I hate you! You are a dog!
SIPHO :Sofia, we can fix this.
SOFIA :I’m going to Alexander. My mother needs me and I cannot leave her alone.
SOFIA :Shut up! I don’t need your explanation.
SIPHO :Mxm! Go ahead and leave! Make sure you leave my car keys.
SOFIA :I bet you never get away with this. You will suffer from being selfish.
SIPHO :You will also suffer from being a poor white girl.
SOFIA :Do I care?