( It is the day of the wedding)

Lisa and Rose are in the dressing room

Monalisa: Ok I got to do this

Rose: Friend You can’t cancel this ok

Monalisa: I can it is my Wedding

( she goes outside)

Monalisa: Good Day Everyone I know I am Made to be getting married today but Cha this is not me I can’t remain in this abusive relationship This man Rapes me Every single day I can’t ( She leaves)

Zweil: Baby what are you wearing?

Monalisa: We got to go ( She pulls him)

Zweil: Where are we going?

Monalisa: anywhere far!

Zweil: what is going on?

Monalisa: Ok I was Supposed to get married to Prince Smith The Landlord’s son but I Decided to run away

Zweil: You cheated on me

Monalisa: Never I would never do Such a thing

Zweil: Get out!

Monalisa: Bae

Zweil: Do’nt bae me get out

( She leaves and that is how Zweil and Monalisa Separate will they ever be Together again)