( Lisa has just moved into Prince Apartment)
Prince: so this is our room
Monalisa: I don’t feel good .
Prince: There she goes again I want what I paid for so give me
Monalisa: What now I am not in the mood for that
Prince: Listen here go inside that Room and Get Ready ngiyeza
Monalisa: But-
Prince: I paid for you
( He Rapes her and goes out)
( Meanwhile zweil is in His taxi when nothando comes inside she is in a Small Short black dress)
Zweil: what do you want?
Nothando: Baby Uyazi UKuthi I have been suffering ngaphadle kwakho so I missed you baby I am back.
( Kissing him but he pulls out of the kiss)
Zweil: where is your boyfriend Prince the Rich one
Nothando: He moved on
Zweil: So did I so ngicela Uphumi la Manje!!
Nothando: Really don’t tell me You don’t love me anymore Zweil
Zweil: I don’t love you and I never had
Nothando: Really You will regret this
( She leaves)
(Four months later Monalisa’s belly has Started to show she is at Zweil’s apartment to met him)
Zweil: Bae be careful
Monalisa: I am not a baby ok ( she sits down)
Zweil: You know I missed you
Monalisa: Me too my love
Zweil: we have only dated for 6 months but Yoh the progress ( rubing her Belly)
Monalisa: Yeah I guess(worried)
Zweil: May I ask what is the matter sweet heart( considered)
Monalisa: I am Worried about my future you see I lost my Scholarship to UCt and I don’t have the Funds to pay for school
( Zweil goes to his Room and Returns with a Bag full of money)
Monalisa: So much money Bae
Zweil: It is for your Funds For school you can Register Anytime
Monalisa: really!
Zweil: what are Boyfriends for
Monalisa: I am so Happy ( they hug)
Zweil: I love you so much
Monalisa: Me too
( Meanwhile Prince is with Nothando in a Hotel)
Prince: So How much? ( Bottoming his Shirt)
Nothando: 4k
Prince: I can’t Complain you are getting hotter by the day honey
Nothando: Thanks. You know you two are also getting hoter by the day ( Kissing him) I cannot believe you Could Tear a ligure which cost 23k
Prince: I had No choice I needed that really
Nothando: How are Things going with your marriage?
Prince: Good I guess I mean I have 2 wifes what could a Man ask for
Nothando: Love? ( Unbotting his Shirt)
Prince: stop it
Nothando: what am I to you?
Prince: my sex slave is it not clear to you
Nothando: And she gets all the glory
Prince: you better not be talking about Lisa
Nothando: I am what are you going to do
( He holds her neck abusively)
Prince: don’t you dare talk about my future wife ok you little bitch