(At coffee shop)

Nonceba is meeting her friend Mankosi.

MANKOSI: Maybe you should tell her.

NONCEBA: Tell her what!…I don’t wanna talk about him end of story you are not helping at all!

MANKOSI: Oh my god…don’t be angry with me dear it was just a suggestion.(drinking her wine)

NONCEBA:( taking her bag leaving the shop)

MANKOSI: Are you leaving already?(galp her wine and follow her friend)okay wait for me then.

***later on Chulekazi was talking to the helper Thando***

THANDO: l saw you and your mother fighting… again.

CHULEKAZI: My mother is so selfish,she thinks for herself only(rolling her eyes)

THANDO: Is this about your father?

CHULEKAZI: (Nods)yes.

THANDO: l have a plan(smilling)I will help you find your father but we need to do research and the is only one person who can help us is your mom’s friend, surely she knows something.Or we can use the album to check the old pictures.

CHULEKAZI: Wow Aunty Thando I never thought of that(excited)

THANDO: Hmm(thinking)oh yes Photo album.

CHULEKAZI: Photo Album, are you sure sisThando?

THANDO: Trust me.

Tell us:What do you think about the story so far?what would you do if your were Chulekazi?