HEAVENLY: Argh..It cannot be this!

CAITLYN: Heaven it’s true, it’s 99.99 percentage of Connie shows that she’s a Ferguson.

HEAVENLY: It does match Laura and Will’s DNA??

CAITLYN: Unfortunately, yes it does match.

HEAVENLY: Go please before I get pissed off. [Angry]

CAITLYN: My money please.

HEAVENLY: Oh please don’t start! get out! go and call James for me [Short tempered]

CAITLYN: Okay. [Shouting] Argh! Now I have to be broke because of Heavenly, afterall she’s not supposed to be called Heavenly, her name is supposed to be Hell. [Whispering to herself] James! Queen Heavenly herself asked you to go to her.

JAMES: Hello to you too Caitlyn

CAITLYN: Blah blah blah, please do what Queen H said otherwise we’re dead.

HEAVENLY: Caitlyn didn’t I told you to call James?

CAITLYN: You did told me Heaven.

HEAVENLY: There are 12 minutes you’ve spent to talk with James.

CAITLYN: You’ll deal with James he was busy asking me typical questions. [Lying and walking away from Heavenly and James]