7 O’clock in the morning. Mr. Khoza wakes up to the sound of birds chirping outside. He lazily turns around and notice his wife’s side of bed is completely empty. Wondering and a little worried, he gets out of bed and start searching the whole house. 10 minutes later, Mrs. Khoza is not found. Mr. Khoza tries to call her phone but it goes straight to voicemail, then he checks her closet – her clothes and other stuff are still there.

Mr. KHOZA (looking at Mrs. Khoza’s clothes inside the closet): Oh, she’s still around. Just playing hide and seek? This woman needs to grow up!

He shuts the closet door and head straight to the bathroom to take a shower. 30 minutes later, he’s in the kitchen making himself breakfast. His phone rings and he answer.

Mr. KHOZA: Mr. Khoza speaking.

NDUMISO: Hey buddy, Ndumiso here. How are you doing?

Mr. KHOZA: Oh Ndu! My man! Is that you?

NDUMISO: It’s me buddy. The one and only.

Mr. KHOZA: Oh man! I’ve been looking for you for ages. Where have you been hiding? Your socials are dry and your numbers are not going through. What happened? Are you OK?

NDUMISO: Eish, all I can say is after graduation… Life happened. I saw flames.

Mr. KHOZA: Eish, yeah… Life sometimes can be harsh but I’m happy you came out of flames alive.

NDUMISO: Yeah, we soldier on. On your side, how is everything going?

Mr. KHOZA: Ah. What can I say? It’s drama after drama.

NDUMISO: Marriage related?

Mr. KHOZA: Trust me, you don’t want to hear about it. It’s a long drama. I don’t want to dive into it.

NDUMISO: OK, I understand. You need to pray harder, brother. Whatever storm you’re facing shall pass.

Mr. KHOZA: Speaking of praying. Oh, man. I lost strength to kneel down. I feel like someone has put a curse on my family; everything is upside down.

NDUMISO: That sounds hectic.

Mr. KHOZA: It is. Anyway, where are you now and when can I pay you a visit?

NDUMISO: Oh. Um… You don’t have to, remember I’m the one who ghosted you. That means I owe you a visit.

Mr. KHOZA: OK. So, when are you coming this side?

NDUMISO: At the moment, I have a lot on my plate. I’ll let you know when I’m free.

Mr. KHOZA: Ok. Don’t keep me waiting forever.

NDUMISO: I won’t.

Mr. KHOZA: Sharp, brother.

NDUMISO: And don’t forget to pray!

Mr. KHOZA: I won’t forget.