Kelly went to Cape town and Dani looked angry…
Dani : Where’s the money?
Kelly: I don’t do crime anymore..
Dani: Where’s the money?
Kelly: Come on…
Dani: Don’t ignore me!!.
Kelly: It’s gone (folds her arms)
Dani: Don’t tell me …don’t tell me you gave the police….(tries to hit her but missed)
Kelly: I told you to confess otherwise you left me no choice…(evil smile)
Dani punched Kelly..Kelly kicked her back very hard and she fell.. She then drugged her to pass out for 2hrs ….Kelly took the the route back to the Durban..and gave Dani to the police..Kelly handshaked happily with the police officer…After 2hrs Dani woke up and found herself in a prison cell…
What do you think of Kelly’s actions?