Kelly : (sighs) Life in highschool was non stressful often but after I finished matric…Complications occured…I tried finding a job or a college but l knew there were already complications of unemployment and less accommodation…No luck for a year..then my friend Dani got me a modelling position at some designer company that wasn’t my type and almost got me raped…I left and Dani suggested we drug the rich at a club..I agreed cause I needed money for my needs..I then took that money and bought a flat cause my mom didn’t want me staying in her house any longer…I was grown up…Then me and Dani drugged hotel bookers..we pretended to work there…My fear is jail (breathes panicked)…prison life…Today I confess that Dani switched the money into fake and went to Cape Town…and left me in the dark..And I also made a mistake by agreeing to this crime…”
Police officer: I hear you.. If you help me track down Dani…
Kelly : Another option..
Police officer: Can’t think of any other than this one..
Kelly: I have a plan..give me this day today.. Tomorrow I’ll be back….(hands the bag of cash) It’s real..
The police officer took it for a scan and smiled…
What do you think so far?