Kelly recieved a call from the modelling job company Dani put her in previously….

Kelly : Hello?

Mrs Janet : You left without an explanation?

Kelly: (irritated) Oh l am currently studying..And it’s not my type of thing…

Mrs Janet: So why did you apply if..

Kelly : (cuts her off) I thought I was never gonna think of going back to study for college..

Mrs Janet: Ok anyways…did you hear the news?

Kelly : Huh?

Mrs Janet: Watch…something reported about you and some other named Danileigh..

Kelly :(curious) Call later…

Kelly turned on the TV…She saw a women report..

TV reporter : Good evening listeners and viewers.. Today’s news report that two young girls are needed at the police station…the police report a young lady named Danileigh escaped prison and ran away with risk money…stacks of loaded cash…And one of the people at the currently closed hotel reported a case of these familiar girls…and to get them arrested…

Kelly turned off the TV in panick…

Kelly: Oh no….

Kelly’s mother folded her arms behind her.

Mother: So?…

Kelly : What?

Mother: Why you back here?…You told me in that letter you got a good job and you will hopefully rent a flat…

Kelly : It’s complicated..

Mother : Why you a criminal?…I saw and listened to the news about you doing something dangerous with that so called friend of yours…

Kelly : Ma…

Mother : (furious) Know that once you have a criminal record…it’s over girly…

Kelly kept quiet..

Mother : What crime did you commit?

Kelly: Not now..

Mother : Tell me..

Kelly : Not now..I don’t wanna talk about it

Mother : Leave…For good…(throws her already packed clothes)

Kelly : Where will I go?

Mother : I did not raise you to be a criminal

We are from a Christian family…Such actions are a leave since you fail to tell me the crime you commited…

(Kelly did not reply; took her bags and left)..