(It at school, sir Ngcobo is teaching maths )
Sir Ngcobo: So class, tell me what did I say you must do when you have this type of sum?
Zinhle: Sir can I do it?
Sir Ngcobo: Okay Zee (she do as sir said then the bell rang )
Sir Ngcobo: Thanks, ok class you may go please do my homework.
Class: Yes sir!
(It on break Zinhle is on the class eating her lunch then Buhle appears)
Buhle: Hey
Zinhle: Do you want something?
Buhle: Chommie I am sorry for what I did remember this is our last year at high school and I just wanted us to do something that will make us happy plz forgive me
Zinhle: I forgive you friend and I am sorry too , And we can go to the party after school
Buhle: Really?
Zinhle: You know I can do anything for you chomza ( then Buhle’s boyfriend Bheki and his friend Sipho appears)
Bheki: Hey baby
Buhle: Yes love
Zinhle: Should you stand here and do what you are doing
Buhle: What do want from me love?
Bheki: Can we go to my house tonight we will be having a party.
Zinhle: Yeah we can, phela umuntu needs a break .
Buhle: Uzizwele nawe
Bheki: See you later
Tell us: What do you think will happen next?