(It is Monday morning, Zinhle and Buhle are going to school. They are busy chatting about school)

Buhle: Chommy I was suggesting that after school we go to party.

Zinhle: No! Are you crazy? ou know that we are going to library and ucabangana nephathi.

Buhle: I forgot about that

Zinhle: Buhle you should start taking your school work seriously cause I can’t be with you while you think of something that I am not thinking of especially party .

Buhle: Nawe you are acting like a mother to me geez gal phola Sisi stop acting as a good gal you are not innocent

Zinhle: I don’t believe this Beauty is this you, Since you started dating that guy of yours ungishintshele chommy

Buhle: Umona uzokubulala do you want him?

Zinhle: Of course not

Buhle: So phuma ezindabeni zami Sisi (she left)

Tell us: What do you think about Buhle’s behaviour?